deal.II does not use the C++ MPI interface (I do not know of any project that
does, for the record),

Which is, I guess, why the MPI committee has deprecated them :-)

But back to the issue at hand:

    I used downloaded PETSc source and built with:

    ./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran --download-mpich

That last flag is generally a bad idea. It makes PETSc download and install an MPI version that may or may not conflict with any MPI package that is already installed on the system. In any case, it is going to be installed into some non-standard path where the remainder of the system will scratch its head trying to find out whether there is or is not an MPI installation. I wished the PETSc people just got rid of this option -- it has caused so many people so much heartache.

The way to install MPI is through the system's package manage system. Any distribution I can think of has either an openMPI or an mpich package. Either is fine (but not trying to install both). Once you've installed one of them on your system (via apt-get, zypper, or whatever package manager your system uses), you can install PETSc as you were doing, but without --download-mpich.


Wolfgang Bangerth               email:  

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