On Friday, 28 January 2022 at 17:45:32 UTC, singingbush wrote:
It would be far more helpful if running `gdc --version` gave some indication of the version of D it's aligned to (which was 2.076 last time I checked).

This would be indeed nice. But so far we have to compile and run the following code:

import std.stdio, std.compiler;

void main()
  writeln(version_major, ".", version_minor);

It's ironic that I have exactly the opposite problem. I need to check for the backend version from inside of the running program, and this isn't easy. I resorted to using this hack:

// GDC11 was the first version to start supporting getTargetInfo traits
bool detect_gdc11()
version(GNU) { return __traits(compiles, __traits(getTargetInfo, "cppStd")); }
  else return false;

Just seen https://forum.dlang.org/thread/nuphsvwkdlygdcxai...@forum.dlang.org about D 2.098 being in GCC, still can't tell if that's what I have based on the output though.

It landed in the git repository and is going to be released as part of GDC 12.

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