On 2004-12-11T06:48:41-0800, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
> At 09:47 PM 12/10/04 -0800, Joseph Ashwood wrote:
> >Now we're back to the MixMaster argument. Mixmaster was meant to be a
> >"Napster-level popular app" for emailing, but people just don't care
> >about anonymity.
> Mixmaster is the most godawful complex thing to use, much less
> administer, around.  Even Jack B Nymble is complex.  It needs a simple
> luser interface and something to piggyback servers on.

Not necessarily.  Mixmaster is trivial to use with Mutt.

1. Compile Mixmaster
2. Put the binary in some directory somewhere.
3. Configure Mutt with --with-mixmaster  (sadly not enabled by default)
4. add the line 'set mixmaster="/location/to/bin/mixmaster"' to .muttrc
5. mkdir ~user/Mix/
6. Add a script to crontab that does:

  cd ~user/Mix/
  mv -f mlist.txt mlist.txt.old
  wget -q http://stats.melontraffickers.com/mlist.txt
  mv -f rlist.txt rlist.txt.old
  wget -q http://stats.melontraffickers.com/rlist.txt
  mv -f pubring.mix pubring.mix.old
  wget -q http://stats.melontraffickers.com/pubring.mix
  mv -f type2.list type2.list.old
  wget -q http://stats.melontraffickers.com/type2.list
  mv -f pubring.asc pubring.asc.old
  wget -q http://stats.melontraffickers.com/pgp-all.asc
  mv -f pgp-all.asc pubring.asc

6.5.  And run it once for good measure.
7. When sending email, at the summary page just before sending, hit 'M'.

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