On 2004-06-27T18:26:05-0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
> <snip>
> >  All because you don't want to "throw away your vote" -- and register your
> > disapproval with that state of affairs -- by voting for a guy who would
> > make you feel decent and clean.
> In *any* election other than the one we face this November, I would agree
> with this 100%.  But this time, I just can't.   I fear the re-appointment
> of Bush more than any other political event.  That the author of this is
> willing to overlook that he is knowingly helping to keep Bush in office,
> trampling those rights he claims to so cherish, totally negates his
> argument.

But your vote will never make a difference in a presidential election.  No
such election has ever turned on one vote in any state, and it's not
likely to.  Trying to convince everyone to vote for Kerry is your
prerogative, but if _you_ vote for Kerry in November while believing
Badnarik is the best choice, you are wasting your vote.

When it comes down to you and the ballot, vote your conscience.  There's
no quantum entanglement between your ballot and anyone else's.

Obviously you may already believe all that and you may be agitating for
Kerry precisely for those reasons.  However, I don't like either Kerry or
Bush so I have no problem explaining why you're stated position is wrong.

 "Once you knew, you'd claim her, and I didn't want that."
 "Not your decision to make."
 "Yes, but it's the right decision, and I made it for my daughter.  She
deserved to be born with a clean slate." - Beatrix; Bill; Kill Bill V.2

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