On 19 Dec 2003 at 10:57, Steve Schear wrote:
> Saddam Hussein summoned US Ambassador Glaspie and asked her 
> to clarify the American position.
> "I have direct instructions from the President to seek better 
> relations with Iraq. […] Our opinion is that you should have 
> the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no 
> opinion on Arab- Arab conflicts like your border disagreement 
> with Kuwait." [7]

This "green light" story is a commie lie (originally a Baathist 
lie, but these days mostly repeated by commies)

Nathan Folkert exposes it at some length in

http://groups.google.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]


In fact Glaspie told Saddam that if he invaded Kuwait, the shit 
would hit the fan.

(That was not her words.  Her words were "subject of concern",
which the kind of thing that diplomats say when what they
actually mean is "We are going to cut off your head and nail it
to a lamp post with a nine inch nail") 

         James A. Donald

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