On 18 Dec 2003 at 14:07, Michael Kalus wrote:
> The west traded heavily with [Saddam], be it the US, France,
> Germany, the UK.

The west, including the US traded and continues to trade
heavily with Castro, yet somehow that does not lead you to
believe they think Castro a good guy, nor does it lead you to
believe they are actively supporting him.

> It is astonishing that it was okay for Saddam to be as evil
> as be and we (as a society) turned a blind eye to it

Yet you show no similar astonishment concerning the evil of

James A. Donald:
> > Evil men, by their nature, find themselves in conflict with 
> > other evil men for the same reasons as good men do. Thus
> > evil men and good men will often find themselves in a
> > temporary alliance of convenience against a common enemy,
> > an alliance that both sides know will end in war or near
> > war fairly soon.

Michael Kalus
> I suggest you read Chomsky's new book, and if only as a
> reference to the sources he lists.

Every citation Chomsky gives is fraudulent.

I recently posted a paragraph by paragraph examination of one
of his more notorious articles.  Every single citation he gave
was false in some central and crucial way.

See my very long posting: 

> If you ally with the enemy than you are giving up what makes
> you good.

It merely means you are dealing with one enemy at a time,
rather than all of them at once. 

         James A. Donald

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