"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live 
for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live 
for mine." -- John Galt, Atlas Shrugged

High-Level Dynamics
 We are building a society through membership and from the membership 
dues we are buying an island in the Caribbean. This island will be a 
sovereign principality with a substantial hosting facility as its epicenter and 
core business. Charter Members are able to participate in a tremendous 
income opportunity and will have the option in the future to purchase virtual 
residences with time-share options or own actual physical homes 
complete with residency status.

A Mandate of Freedom
We are building a physical and virtual community on the natural resources 
of ones and zeros. Magna Societal has over 1000+ web fluent members 
who have committed to building a global free trade cyberzone in the 
Caribbean.  Magna Societal is an internet-centric society who's 
constitutional mandate is a membership based tax-free and debt free 
community built on the foundation of absolute freedom of unlimited 
enterprise and spirit. 

The Business of Magna Societal
The national economy will be established on a multitude of fiber optic 
backbones which will be opened to the world for offshore banking, 
corporate services, interactive TV content storage and distribution, gaming 
and global hosting for best of breed ASP Solutions. Magna's land plan has 
over 40,000 virtual residences, 4,000 single-family homes, 35 multi-use 

Income Opportunity
All Charter Members are paid a referral fee of $500 per member referred. In 
addition there is a tremendous residual opportunity from renewal fees, 
bonuses and purchases in the future. 

The Tools:
Charter Members receive an international asset protection trust from an 
established jurisdiction ($2,000 Value), an identical website to the 
corporate website (with your company name under the green arc) and we 
provide you with a registered certificate of membership.  

Join us today!

For the confidential website information please call toll free 

1-866-811-5324 or 011-

Magna Societal is a registered foreign SA with a Board of Directors, financial 
and audited financials which are made available to Charter Members on an annual basis. 
Magna Societal is not a network marketing company.  Please read all disclaimers, as 
are made available. We comply with proposed federal legislation regarding unsolicited 
commercial e-mail by providing you with a method for your e-mail address to be 
permanently removed from our database and any future mailings from our company. To 
remove your address, please send a reply e-mail message with the word REMOVE in the 
subject line.

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