Title: Your Membership Community & Commentary, 08-03-01
Your Membership Community & Commentary
  It's All About Making Money August 3, 2001  

in this issue

Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today

Member Showcase

Commentary Quick Tips

Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary

Today's Special Announcement:

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unsold, but not for long.  If you could use 1 million banner
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  • Top Ten Most Important Things to Do Today

    This is my list. They're the ones I've selected for my life at
    present. Consider them suggestions for yourself--ideas to
    help you generate your own top ten list. By getting clear
    on and acting upon YOUR most important steps, you'll be
    moving toward and experiencing your highest and best.

    1. Practice gratefulness. Reflect upon the things in my life for
    which I'm grateful. If I appreciate more of what I have, I will
    have even more to appreciate.

    2. Write out my three most important goals and visualize
    how my life will be when I have achieved them. FEEL it.
    EXPERIENCE it in as much sensory detail as I can possibly

    3. Take some action steps toward each of the three goals.

    4. Exercise my body and monitor carefully what I eat and
    drink. Reduce fat and caloric intake while expending more
    calories. Eat only small amounts at one time.

    5. Read something educational, inspirational or
    entertaining--preferably all three.

    6. Meditate. Empty my conscious mind and listen to the

    7. Have fun doing something I love to do. Experience joy.

    8. Write something--anything. If not an article or part of
    my book, then write in my journal.

    9. Perform some act of kindness. Do a thoughtful,
    magnanimous thing--anonymously if possible.

    10. Finish something. Do something I can call complete.

    Bonus Step: Make something work better --
    Practice ADS: Automate, Delegate and Systemize.

    Copyright 2001 Michael Angier & Success Networks International.
    About the Author...

    Michael Angier is the founder and president of Success Networks.
    Success Net's mission is to inform, inspire and empower people
    to be their best--personally and professionally. Download their
    http://www.SuccessNet.org/keys.htm. Free subscriptions,
    memberships, books and SuccessMark Cards are available at

  • Member Showcase

    Examine carefully - Those with email addresses included WILL
    TRADE LINKS with you... You are encouraged to contact them.
    There Are Many Ways To Build A Successful Business - Just look
    at these successful sites & programs other members are involved in...

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    For a limited time only, we are offering --TWO-- FREE eBooks
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    Life Without Debt! What would you do with 5,000 10,000
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    gathering to promote Life Without Debt. Get in NOW to
    receive Massive spillover in the 2x matrix.

    If you have a product, service, opportunity or quality
    merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your targeted audience!
    For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you can
    exhibit your website here, and trade links for only $8 CPM. 
    Compare that to the industry average of $10-$15 CPM.
    Why?... Because as a valuable member we want you

    to be successful! Order today -
    Showcases are limited and published on a first come, first serve basis.
    For our secure order form, click here: http://bannersgomlm.com/ezine

  • Commentary Quick Tips

    Website Recommendation:

    Here is a site with some useful tips.
    Example - test your Internet connection speed.
    I doubled my DSL speed with just one minor tweak
    suggested by one of the links given.

    Submitted by F. Knopke

    Do you have a marketing hint, product recommendation, or
    online gem of wisdom you'd like to share with your fellow
    subscribers? With your 2 - 10 line Quick Tip include your
    name and URL or email address and  we'll give you credit
    for your words of wisdom.

    And, if you're looking for free advertising, this isn't
    the place - check out the 'One Question Survey' below for
    a great free advertising offer.

    Send it in to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    with 'Quick Tip' in the Subject block.

  • Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary

    To keep this interesting, how about this, every month we'll
    draw a name from the replies and that person will win one
    Sponsorship Showcase in the Community & Commentary, for FREE.
    That's a value of over $800.00! Respond to each weekly survey,
    and increase your chances to win with four separate entries.

     QUESTION OF THE WEEK (08/03/01)...
     No right or wrong answers, and just by answering
     you are entered to win a Sponsorship Showcase  - Free!

     ~~~ How many email messages do you get per day? ~~~

    Less than 40            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    41-100                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    101-300                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    301-1000                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    More than 1000        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

    To make this as easy as possible for you, just click on the
    hyperlinked answer to send us an e-mail  - you do not need to
    enter any information in the subject or body of the message.

    ** ADD YOUR COMMENTS!  Follow directions above and
    add your comments in the body of the message, and we'll
    post the best commentaries along with the responses.

    You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free
    Sponsorship ad in the Community & Commentary. Please
    respond only one time per question.  Multiple responses
    from the same individual will be discarded.

    Last Weeks's Survey Results & Comments  (07/27/01)

     ~~~ Are you concerned about identity theft online? ~~~

    yes   81%
    no    19%


    No. This is a funny thing to me.  I hear about so many
    people being super scared to give out their SS#.  Well folks,
    I can get your SS# for 50 cents.  Give me a name and address
    and about 90% of the time I can get the number.

    We are so worried about putting our credit card number on
    the net, but we will give the card to a waiter or waitress and
    they take it out of our sight for 10 minutes.  They could do
    who knows what with the CC number.  I once had a person
    tell me that her lawyer said that she should never fax a copy
    of her check to anyone (checks by fax) because then that
    person (me) would have her account info and could write
    a check out for thousands of dollars.  I told her to just send
    it to me then and she said that was OK.  Then I asked her
    to tell me what the difference was between the original check
    and a fax copy.  I told her to ask her lawyer that too.  Never
    heard back from her.

    The bottom line is that if a crook wants to get your info, it is
    available in many places.  Have a good day.
    --  Terry    http://mysiteinc.com/tfn/lfi.html

    Yes. I believe that the risk is out there but minimal. However,
    we can cut those risks by a few simple precautions. Most
    importantly, never give any personal information at a site
    that is not secure, always look for the lock in thetask bar
    or a Veri secure sign or others.

    Also, never leave your information stored at a site. I put
    in my credit information in each time instead of having
    an account in standing, a little more time but less risks
    involved! Of course, I mostly shop at my own Internet
    mall and I know how safe it is there, credit card info is
    deleted in a matter of seconds. Overall, I believe the web
    to be a safe and very fruitful new frontier!
    --  Catherine F.      http://www.catco.nexgenmall.com

    Yes. I had phenomena for 6 weeks and did not realize that
    my ISP was shut down at the same time because the owner
    was in a bad car accident.  I had a full service account.
    My Internic fees were not paid so my WEB Address
    went unprotected.  A Russian stepped in; paid the fees;
    and, promptly assigned my www.SchoolOfGeomatics.com
    address to a porn shop.  Thus, I lost 4 years of building
    up 1st place rankings on 12 Search Engines and 2nd place
    on 8 more.  This set me back about 4  months: I believe I
    lost a minimum of $50,000.
    I have also been hit with viruses about 10 times.  The first
    time I lost almost 4 months of work.  Now, I back up often
    enough to not to lose so much time.  This is also Internet
    theft.  These people are nothing but out and out criminals
    and should spend years behind bars.
    Customers are well protected from credit card theft;
    however, merchants can lose a lot of money.  I sell only by
    purchase order and certified or registered company checks.
    --  Peter S.    http://www.GSSGeomatics.com

                   JULY WINNER ANNOUNCED!
    And the July 'One-Question Survey' WINNER is...

               John Stitzel   -   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                       Congratulations John!

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    I invite you to send your real successes and showcase your strategies and techniques, or yes, even your total bombs, "Working Together We Can All Prosper." Submit

    For information on how to sponsor Your Membership Community & Commentary visit: Sponsorship Showcase

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