Title: Your Membership Community & Commentary, 07-13-01
Your Membership Community & Commentary
  It's All About Making Money July 13, 2001  

in this issue

Whatever Happened To Keep It Simple?

Member Showcase

Don't Just Get Sales; Get Affiliates in the 2nd Tier!"

Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary

Today's Special Announcement:

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Information to provide you with the absolute
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--- This Issue Contains Sites Who Will Trade Links With You! ---

  • Whatever Happened To Keep It Simple?

    I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it seems the KISS
    formula has been tossed out the window.

    I visit various sites that are supposed to be selling a
    product or service and get various messages such as:

    <> We'd like to let you know you don't have the latest
    version of IE or Netscape and we'd like to ask you to
    upgrade your browser at this time.

    <> We're sorry but this site can only be viewed with Internet

    <> If you want to view our site you'll have to download the
    flash media software.

    <> Sorry you need to download these plug ins before viewing our site.

    Well I have to admit I'm out of there when it comes to any
    of these sites.

    If I'm looking for a product or service and you want my
    money, don't ask me to jump through hoops to hand it to

    I'm not visiting your site so I can spend the rest of the
    night adding plug ins, upgrading browsers and being told
    I'm not welcome unless I do a "dog and pony" show for you.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but web surfers have a limited attention
    span when it comes to making a buying decision and I really
    don't think they're coming to be impressed by your site.
    They're stopping by to see if you have what they want, need
    or desire.

    I'm sure many of these sites are making nice sales, but how
    many more are they losing?

    There are sites with a sales letter and maybe one or two
    graphics making sales around the clock. You stop by, see
    what they have to offer, and either you buy or you don't.

    They're saying, "Hey come as you are, you're always welcome."

    I know that there are a lot of goodies out there to impress
    visitors with, but I'd rather feel comfortable and welcome.

    If you expect me to spend my money make it easy. I'm not
    looking to spend the rest of the night making upgrades and
    changing browsers etc. so I can hand you my money.

    I may be old fashioned, but if you want my money, make me
    feel comfortable. I don't need to be told I have to change
    to hand you my money.

    I'm actually glad there are so many sites I can't view, it
    saves me money.

    Copyright (c) 2001 John Colanzi.
    About the Author...

    John Colanzi
    New reseller program! You keep 100% of the profits on EVERY
    sale. Why promote a product that only pays you 50% when you
    can promote "Internet Profits the Quick Way" and keep every
    penny? Free Details at: http://www.internet-profits4u.com

  • Member Showcase

    Examine carefully - Those with email addresses included WILL
    TRADE LINKS with you... You are encouraged to contact them.
    There Are Many Ways To Build A Successful Business - Just look at
    these successful sites & programs other members are involved in...

    I didn't MAKE MONEY until I QUIT!
    I'm TIRED of marketing!  I'm SICK of being the ONLY one
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    Trade Links - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Get INSANE amounts of traffic to your website.
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    Trade Links - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Celebration Sale!
    $99.00 on Casinos/Sportsbetting sites, Lingerie stores,
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    Mention Ad#BMLM99 to receive this special sale price.
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    Stop Smoking - Free Lesson !!
    Discover the Secret to Stopping Smoking.
    To Master these Powerful Techniques, Come to
    http://www.breath-of-life.net for your Free Lesson.
    Act Now!  P.S. Tell someone you care about.
    Trade Links - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Internet Marketing guru Corey Rudl has just released a
    BRAND NEW VERSION of his #1 best-selling Internet Marketing
    Course,"The Insider Secret's to Marketing Your Business on
    the Internet". A MUST HAVE! So don't hesitate,
    visit.. http://www.adminder.com/c.cgi?start&bgmlmezine

    If you have a product, service, opportunity or quality merchandise
    that appeals to people worldwide, reach your targeted audience!
    For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you can exhibit
    your website here, and trade links for only $8 CPM.  Compare that
    to the industry average of $10-$15 CPM. Why?... Because as a
    valuable member we want you to be successful! Order today -
    Showcases are limited and published on a first come, first serve basis.
    For our secure order form, click here: http://bannersgomlm.com/ezine

  • Don't Just Get Sales; Get Affiliates in the 2nd Tier!"
    Most affiliates get sales from the respective affiliate programs
    they belong to by selling directly to visitors.

    But what about the 2nd Tier?

    Many affiliates programs allow you to sign up affiliates
    under you so you can earn commissions from the sales
    that YOUR affiliates are making. This is commonly referred
    to as the 2nd tier.

    However it is often ignored.

    Many of the most successful affiliates have built a huge 2nd
    tier in their programs where they have hundreds of other
    people all earning commissions for them.

    This means they earn a lot of their commissions from the
    indirect sales. It also means they do not have to concentrate
    so much on the direct sales. This frees up more of their time
    to work on promoting some of their other affiliate programs.

    Think about the power of the 2nd tier.

    You do one piece of work - getting an affiliate signed up
    under you in one of your affiliate programs.

    Then each of those affiliates sell the particular product
    or service separately themselves. Any sales that they
    make, you make a commission.

    The commission you make for the 2nd tier is much less
    than the direct commission. But if you have hundreds
    of affiliates under you, these many small amounts dwarf
    the 1 larger amount.

    If they sell this week - You get paid. If they sell next week -
    You get paid again. And if they sell next month - You
    STILL get paid.

    You get paid each time they get paid.

    Some affiliate programs allow you to earn commissions
    from your affiliates for many years. So by doing a little
    work today you can be earning commissions for years
    to come.

    So do not just sell direct to your visitors. Entice your
    visitors to become affiliates as well.

    Show them the benefits of joining an affiliate program.
    Tell them how much money they could make. Motivate
    them to sign up as an affiliate under you.

    In the long run this strategy will prove to be very
    successful for you.

    Don't forget the 2nd tier. It may be more valuable than
    you think.

    About the Author...

    - Article by David McKenzie of http://www.brisney.com
    For great ideas on promoting your web site or marketing
    your affiliate programs subscribe to our Free twice monthly
    newsletter by sending a blank email to
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  • Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary

    To keep this interesting, how about this, every month we'll
    draw a name from the replies and that person will win one
    Sponsorship Showcase in the Community & Commentary, for FREE.
    That's a value of over $700.00! Respond to each weekly survey,
    and increase your chances to win with four separate entries.

    QUESTION OF THE WEEK (07/13/01)
    No right or wrong answers, and just by answering
    you are entered to win a Showcase ad - Free!

    ~~~ How often do you update your website? ~~~

    1-4x a year

    To make this as easy as possible for you, just click on the
    e-mail address that matches your answer - you do not need to
    enter any information in the subject or body of the message.

    ** ADD YOUR COMMENTS!  Follow directions above and
    add your comments in the body of the message, and we'll
    post the best commentaries along with the responses.

    You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free
    Sponsorship ad in the Community & Commentary. Please
    respond only one time per question.  Multiple responses
    from the same individual will be discarded.

    Last Weeks's Results (07/06/01)

    Last Weeks's Survey Results (07/06/01)

    ~~~ Do you spend more or less time ~~~
      ~~~ online in the summer months? ~~~

     More ---  9%
     Less --- 26%
     Same -  65%

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    Please send suggestions and comments to: Editor
    I invite you to send your real successes and showcase your strategies and techniques, or yes, even your total bombs, "Working Together We Can All Prosper." Submit

    For information on how to sponsor Your Membership Community & Commentary visit: Sponsorship Showcase

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