
: :     But Jack Goldsmith, a law professor at the University of
: :     Chicago and an expert in Internet jurisdiction, takes a
: :     different view. He said that it is appropriate for a
: :     French court to assert jurisdiction over Yahoo because
: :     "Yahoo has something on its Web site that is being
: :     accessed by French citizens that violates French law."
: :
: :     It is true, Goldsmith said, that France in a sense is
: :     trying to impose its law on a United States. company. But
: :     the alternative is for a United States company to impose
: :     its home-town laws regarding permissible expression on
: :     France. "The harmful effects are running in both
: :     directions," he said

Goldsmith forgot to point out that my site violates Iranian law, Communist 
Chinese law, North Korean law, and probably Russian law.

          James A. Donald

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