Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> Found out a funny thing about Cygwin today. I've known for a while that
> forward slashes works as well as backslashes when specifying a path to
> execute. So all of the following work from a cmd prompt:
> C:> C:\Cygwin\bin\ls
> C:> C:\Cygwin/bin\ls
> C:> C:/Cygwin/bin/ls
> Also the following works:
> C:> C:\Cygwin\bin\ls | more
> However the following fails:
> C:> C:\Cygwin/bin\ls | more
> It fails with something like "C:\Cygwin\bin not found" (From memory).
> What does this have to do with Cygwin you say? 

  Nothing.  This is cmd.exe's idiosyncratic command-line parsing behaviour.  Try
quoting it:

> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>C:\Cygwin/bin\ls | more
> 'C:\Cygwin' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>"C:\Cygwin/bin\ls" | more
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  For some reason (the presence of the pipe?) cmd.exe parses the forward slash
as an options separator rather than a path component in one case but not the
other.  Quoting removes the ambiguity.


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