On Jul 22 14:41, Eric Blake wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cygwin <at> cygwin.com> writes:
> > 
> > Do you have a working C testcase to demonstrate this?
> I still haven't gotten around to trying your patch, but here is the testcase 
> I'm using (I guess it's not that simple, after all):
> [...testcase...]
> For an example of some of the bugs (which I hope your latest patch attempt 
> fixes):
> $ ./foo 4& sleep 2; ./foo 0
> [1] 21692
> ./foo pid 21692 starting
> ./foo pid 21692 got lock
> ./foo pid 21704 forked from 21692
> ./foo pid 21704 unlocked
> ./foo pid 14060 starting
> ./foo pid 14060 got lock
> ./foo pid 21216 forked from 14060
> ./foo pid 21704 exiting
> ./foo pid 21692 exiting
> ./foo pid 21216 exiting
> ./foo pid 14060 exiting
> [1]+  Done                    ./foo 4
> Oops - process 14060 got the lock before 12692 and 21704 exited.

This looks different with my patch:

  $ ./foo 0
  ./foo pid 2712 starting
  ./foo pid 2712 got lock
  ./foo pid 748 forked from 2712
  ./foo pid 748 exiting
  ./foo pid 2712 exiting
  $ ./foo 0
  ./foo pid 2616 starting
  ./foo pid 2616 got lock
  ./foo pid 2892 forked from 2616
  ./foo pid 2892 exiting
  ./foo pid 2616 exiting

> $ ./foo 15
> ./foo pid 10932 starting
> ./foo pid 10932 protected fd
> ./foo pid 10932 got lock
> ./foo pid 10932 closed
> ./foo pid 26264 forked from 10932
> ./foo pid 26264 unlocked
> ./foo pid 26264 execing
> ./foo pid 26264 exiting
> ./foo pid 10932 exiting
> Oops - process 26264 successfully unlocked fd, even though it was marked 
> close-
> on-exec by 10932 before the fork.

Well, sure, it has been marked close-on-exec, but this doesn't mean
the descriptor is invalid after the fork.  AFAICS it's perfectly
valid for the forked child 26264 to unlock the BSD lock.  What am
I missing?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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