----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Korn"
(gdb) b 113 if ((*object) == 0)
No symbol "object" in current context.

 Ah, that's bad.  It might work on a DLL compiled with -O0 -g, but here we
have a problem that the function gets inlined everywhere it's called.  So
instead I set an unconditional breakpoint there and let it run until I hit it:

From my experience last night you should be able to use something like:-
b 113 if ( 0 == (**(verifyable_object **)objectptr)

If not here at least it hits that break ~ 280 times before blowing up so
setting a conditional on that occurrence should help.

Unfortunately I'm currently testing a none threaded compile on the machine
so cant check myself just now.

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