Some more details about my problem

$ gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/specs
Configured with: /managed/gcc-build/final-v3-bootstrap/gcc-3.4.4-999/configure -
-verbose --program-suffix=-3 --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
--libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/s
hare/info --enable-languages=c,ada,c++,d,f77,pascal,java,objc --enable-nls --wit
hout-included-gettext --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --without-x --enabl
e-libgcj --disable-java-awt --with-system-zlib --enable-interpreter --disable-li
bgcj-debug --enable-threads=posix --enable-java-gc=boehm --disable-win32-registr
y --enable-sjlj-exceptions --enable-hash-synchronization --enable-libstdcxx-debu
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

Stack trace for the C program:

Stack trace:^M
Frame     Function  Args^M
0022C928  7C802542  (000007CC, 0000EA60, 000000A4, 0022C970)^M
0022CA48  61097F54  (00000000, 7C802600, 7C802542, 000000A4)^M
0022CB38  61095AEB  (00000000, 003B0023, 00230000, 0022CE68)^M
0022CB98  61095FCB  (0022CBB0, 00000000, 00000094, 61020C1B)^M
0022CC58  61096182  (00000CAC, 00000006, 0022CC88, 61096383)^M
0022CC68  610961AC  (00000006, 0022CE88, 000062A6, 6109A7DF)^M
0022CC88  61096383  (6110D008, 00402000, 00402007, 00000005)^M
0022CCB8  61001087  (00402007, 00000005, 00402000, 00401075)^M
0022CCE8  610935A8  (00000001, 6116B6B0, 006B0090, 0022CC70)^M
0022CD98  610060D8  (00000000, 0022CDD0, 61005450, 0022CDD0)^M
61005450  61004416  (0000009C, A02404C7, E8611021, FFFFFF48)^M
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=61016583^M
eax=EC815356 ebx=61108148 ecx=00000000 edx=57E58959 esi=0000000B edi=00000001^M
ebp=006AC8B8 esp=006AC8B0 program=d:\Moje dokumenty\Programs\test_c.exe, pid 324
4, thread sig^M
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023^M
Stack trace:^M
Frame     Function  Args^M
006AC8B8  61016583  (61108148, 6111C19B, FFFFFF48, 00000000)^M
006AC8D8  610166EC  (00000001, 00000000, 00000000, 006AC960)^M
006AC918  61017FD5  (000007B8, 006AC960, 00000000, 00000000)^M
006ACC58  61018638  (00000744, 006ACC90, 000000A4, 006ACC8C)^M
006ACD58  61099F57  (61106F00, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)^M
006ACD88  61002F32  (006ACE64, 61018970, 00001074, 00000000)^M
61003650  61003769  (04A16430, 89000000, FFDA90B0, 24468BFF)^M
      4 [sig] test_c 3244 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state
(probably corrupted stack)

Stack trace for the C++ program:

Stack trace:^M
Frame     Function  Args^M
0022C868  7C802542  (00000738, 0000EA60, 000000A4, 0022C8B0)^M
0022C988  61097F54  (00000000, 7C802600, 7C802542, 000000A4)^M
0022CA78  61095AEB  (00000000, 003B0023, 00230000, 0022CE68)^M
0022CAD8  61095FCB  (0022CAF0, 00000000, 00000094, 61020C1B)^M
0022CB98  61096182  (00000F38, 00000006, 0022CBC8, 61096383)^M
0022CBA8  610961AC  (00000006, 0022CE88, 0022CC18, 004049D3)^M
0022CBC8  61096383  (0022CBF8, 00407860, 0022CC7C, 00000001)^M
0022CC18  004049E7  (0022CAA0, 00000000, 0022CCE8, 004011C6)^M
0022CC28  00403216  (006E0278, 00410370, 00403650, 00401081)^M
0022CCE8  004011C6  (00000001, 6116B6B0, 006E0090, 0022CC70)^M
0022CD98  610060D8  (00000000, 0022CDD0, 61005450, 0022CDD0)^M
61005450  61004416  (0000009C, A02404C7, E8611021, FFFFFF48)^M
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=61016583^M
eax=EC815356 ebx=61108148 ecx=00000000 edx=57E58959 esi=0000000C edi=00000001^M
ebp=006DC8B8 esp=006DC8B0 program=d:\Moje dokumenty\Programs\test.exe, pid 3896,
 thread sig^M
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023^M
Stack trace:^M
Frame     Function  Args^M
006DC8B8  61016583  (61108148, 6111C19B, FFFFFF48, 00000000)^M
006DC8D8  610166EC  (00000001, 00000000, 00000000, 006DC960)^M
006DC918  61017FD5  (000007B8, 006DC960, 00000000, 00000000)^M
006DCC58  61018638  (00000744, 006DCC90, 000000A4, 006DCC8C)^M
006DCD58  61099F57  (61106F00, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)^M
006DCD88  61002F32  (006DCE64, 61018970, 00001074, 00000000)^M
61003650  61003769  (04A16430, 89000000, FFDA90B0, 24468BFF)^M
     10 [sig] test 3896 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state (p
robably corrupted stack)

Apologies for not responding correctly to Chris Faylor, but my mailing
list skills have gone rusty. I will respond to next messages

Roman Werpachowski

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