>> I use cygwin on a computer with mapped network drives. In the cygwin
shell, I
>> can list the contents of local drives, but not that of mapped network
>> even though I have no problem in DOS. It's frustrating because I
can't use
>> tab completion on a file on a network drive either.
>> For example, drive U: is mapped to a network shared folder. In DOS
'dir U:\'
>> works, but in bash in cygwin 'ls /cygdrive/u/' gives me the error 'no
>> host or network path'.
> Is that on 1.5.25?  Did you try with Cygwin 1.7?
I'm using 1.5.25 -- I can't test Cygwin 1.7 right now, but I'll try it
as soon 
as I can install it.


PS: apologies for the badly wrapped text in the first e-mail...

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