Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
Gene Smith wrote:
Over time my cygwin responsiveness seems to have diminished. When compiling a project I can see that "system" task (not the system idle task) is running a lot at 50%. I don't know if this is normal or not. Possibly there is some corporate security s/w slowing it down now, I don't know. Or would possibly a reinstall of cygwin help?

I have tried closing all other windows, rebooting etc but it is always slow. I don't notice a problem with other apps, just cygwin. Any other suggestions on what this could be?

Typically?  <> is always a good guess.
If that's not it, I recommend reviewing the problem reporting guidelines
at the link below:

I don't have any of the things specifically listed under BLODA.

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I don't think it is a problem with cygwin itself. I was mainly curious if anyone sees the "system" task running 50% when doing a gcc build using Make (or similar intensive long term activity). I have weak XP based laptop with no corporate security that runs cygwin fine compared to my dual-core corporate desktop machine. I will check it on the laptop but it is not with me now. Thanks for the reply.

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