Dave Korn <dave.korn.cyg...@googlemail.com> writes:

> Bill McCormick wrote:
>> Bill McCormick wrote:
>>> Bill McCormick wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> There's something wrong with my man pager; it's producing garbage
>>>> output. My ~/.bashrc has these entries:
>>>> export MANPAGER='less -isrR'
>>>> export PAGER='less -r'
>>> I've looked the the archives and others have other problems and
>>> solutions that are documented (ref:
>>> http://sourceware.org/ml/cygwin/2006-11/msg00745.html) but this
>>> solution isn't working for me. Also, I'm not finding anything in the
>>> FAQ or User's Guide.
>> BTW, this is a brand new install on a raid 1 mirror. Does cygwin maybe
>> have some problem with raid drives?
>   It really shouldn't make any difference, Cygwin just relies on the
> underlying OS' support for devices.  If you can open a file on the drive in
> windows explorer and it doesn't come up full of garbage, cygwin ought to get
> the same results.
>   Must admit I haven't a clue what's causing your problem, never seen anything
> like it before.  It looks like possibly the decompression is going wrong -
> what happens if you run 'zcat' on the corresponding man page .gz file?  I
> can't reproduce what you get even after running the two export commands you
> list there.
>     cheers,
>       DaveK
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Hi, I also have the same issue.

however, there was a warning before I do `man find' that says:
Warning: cannot open configuration file /usr/share/misc/man.conf

So, after a `find /etc -name "man.conf"', I fixed it by this command:

cp /etc/defaults/usr/share/misc/man.conf /usr/share/misc/man.conf

This maybe a packaging problem?

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