On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 10:29:33AM -0400, Ken Brown wrote:
>I've answered several questions in recent weeks about how to use emacs 
>in a terminal window.  To try to clarify this, I plan to put some 
>suggestions in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/emacs.README the next time I update 
>the emacs packages.  The current draft is appended below.  Please let me 
>know if you see any inaccuracies or if anything could be stated more 

Hmm.  You know I wonder if it's time that we set up a per-package FAQ on
cygwin.com.  It seems like the slightly more than clueless people
sometimes go to the Cygwin FAQ for help on individual packages so maybe
we could have a FAQ for things like emacs, bash, ssh there.

At the very least we could make the package documentation available.


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