On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 04:55:12AM +0000, Marco Atzeri wrote:
>--- Sab 30/5/09, Dave Korn  ha scritto:
>> Da: Dave Korn 
>> Oggetto: Re: R: [1.7] does LD_PRELOAD support more than 1 dll ?
>> A: cygwin@cygwin.com
>> Data: Sabato 30 maggio 2009, 03:07
>> Marco Atzeri wrote:
>> > May I suggest a small note in the documentation ?
>> > Just to help the next one to not fall in the same
>> problem. 
>> > :-)
>> ? PTC and all that... if you want a hand with the
>> English grammar/spelling,
>> ask me offlist.
>> > so it seems that the LD_PRELOAD is not working well 
>> > in case of fork. 
>> ? Did you export it?? That might make a
>> difference if the shell is involved.
>> ? ? cheers,
>> ? ? ? DaveK
>Hi Dave,
>also exporting all the 3 variables in the script
>does make no difference
>export PATH="$builddir/src:$builddir/liboctave:$builddir/libcruft:$PATH"
>export LD_PRELOAD="$liboctinterp:$liboctave:$libcruft"
>OCTAVE_SITE_INITFILE="$top_srcdir/scripts/startup/main-rcfile" \
>  exec $driver "$builddir/src/octave" --no-init-path --path="$LOADPATH" 
> --image-path="$IMAGEPATH" --doc-cache-file="$DOCFILE" --info-file="$INFOFILE" 
> "$@"
>      5 [main] sh 3964 C:\cygwin2\bin\sh.exe: *** fatal error - error while 
> loading shared libraries: 
> /pub/cygports/octave/octave-3.2.0-rc4_build/src/cygoctinterp.dll: cannot open 
> shared object file: No such process

 From the source:

      if (!LoadLibraryW (lib.get_wide_win32_path (libname)))
          __seterrno ();
          api_fatal ("error while loading shared libraries: %s: "
                     "cannot open shared object file: %s", p,
                     strerror (get_errno ()));

 "No such process" == ESRCH == PROC_NOT_FOUND


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