On Thu, 30 Apr 2009, Eric Blake wrote:
But beware that with cygwin 1.7, you can have directories which are
case sensitive, in which case the glob may return multiple files.

A few questions out of curiosity, since I've not read up on Cygwin 1.7:

What does Cygwin 1.7 do in that case with
    mkdir FROG
    cd frog
?  I assume there'd be an error, as on UNIXy systems.
I assume there'd be the same error for
    mkdir FROG
    mkdir fRog
    cd frog

In a completely case-sensitive directory, I would expect that the
problem of normalizing a directory or file name would be a no-op, just
like on UNIXy systems: if you enter the name exactly, it knows the
exact spelling without any other work; if you don't enter it exactly,
there's an error, and thus no need to normalize the invalid name.

Is there a way for a script to tell whether it's running under Cygwin
1.7, and whether the directory is case-sensitive?

Tim McDaniel, t...@panix.com

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