Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Apr 24 09:38, Eric Lilja wrote:
cp Makefile Makefile3
then I opened it with my native windows emacs and it only says: file exists but cannot be read. So I checked the permissions on it with ls -l:
$ ls -l Makefile3
---------- 1 mindcooler None 299 Apr 24 09:32 Makefile3

and the original:
$ ls -l Makefile
----------+ 1 Guest None 299 Sep 13  2007 Makefile

but emacs has no problem working with the original. What's going on? Having to chmod copied files to be able to work with them seems odd.

Did you notice the '+' at the end of the original permissions?  You
know what it means?  `getfacl Makefile' will show you the additional
permissions in the ACL.  cp does not copy additional permissions given
in an ACL.  YOu should fix the permissions of the original file in the
first place.

Hello Corinna and thanks for your reply.
These files have been created over the course of a number of years and I don't remember having to do anything with the permissions before, to able to edit, copy, move etc. When I format my computer and install cygwin fresh I will have these files (my programming projects) ready on a DVD. Quite recently, however, I moved from XP to Vista and some of these projects haven't been touched since I used XP (like the one I've been asking about in this thread). Do you think that is the problem, me moving from XP to Vista and using files I in some cases created several years ago? The permissions got screwed in the transition from XP to Vista? Also, what should I do to have proper permissions on these (text files)? I'm talking Makefiles and source files for a number of languages.

- EL


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