avk800 wrote:
> hello all,
> this is my first attempt to get out of the user world.  I am trying to
> install an open source GIS program called GRASS which requires Cygwin and i
> cannot figure out how to start from the command line as setup.exe -X

  The command prompt can generally be found in Start->Programs->Accessories,
or can be invoked by using Start->Run->"cmd.exe".

  When the "C:>" prompt appears then just type the full path to where you
downloaded setup.exe, and add "-X" after it.

  For example if you downloaded it to a directory called "Downloads" on your
C: drive, you'd write "C:\Downloads\setup.exe -X".

  A handy shortcut is that if you have your command prompt open in one window,
and an explorer window open showing you the downloaded setup.exe, you can drag
and drop the icon into the command prompt window and it will fill in the full
path for you automatically.

  There is an alternative method that you can do entirely in explorer:
right-click on setup.exe and choose the "Create shortcut" option.  A new file
will appear, named something like "Shortcut to setup.exe".  Right-click on
this new file and choose the "Properties" option.  When the properties appear,
you'll see a box labelled something like "Target" that will contain the full
path to setup.exe; add a space and "-X" in that box after "exe", and then
you'll be able to just double-click that shortcut anytime you want to install
from an unsigned mirror.  You could also rename it from "Shortcut to
setup.exe" to "Setup.exe using -X" or whatever you liked to remind you.


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