I have a strange problem with UTF-8 characters when running bash from the Windows command line. I hoped it would go away with the new Cygwin 1.7.0-46, but it is still there. Now I have simplified it down to setting LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and running bash -c "echo £" (where '£' can be any non-ascii character):

C:\cygwin17\bin>set LANG=en_US.UTF-8

C:\cygwin17\bin>.\echo £

C:\cygwin17\bin>bash -c 'echo a'

C:\cygwin17\bin>bash -c 'echo £'
bash: $'echo \302\243': command not found

C:\cygwin17\bin>bash -c "$'echo \302\243'"
bash: $'echo \302\243': command not found

C:\cygwin17\bin>bash -c "echo $'\302\243'"

It works if I don't set LANG, or set it to something else than UTF-8. It also works in Cygwin 1.5. Seems like UTF-8 makes bash escape the whole command line if it contains non-ascii characters. Maybe it should only escape the non-ascii characters? This might still cause problems with text in quotes.


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