Rene, thanks for the reply!  The GNU libtool is a generic library
support script and I'm using CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.25.  The 'which'
command you suggested has given me some great insight.  Here's what
I'm seeing...

In TopDir:
1)  which libtool  --> /usr/bin/libtool
2)  which ./libtool --> /usr/myhome/TopDir/libtool

In SubDir:
3)  which ../libtool  --> /usr/myhome/TopDir/libtool

The first 'which' works while the second and third 'which' do not.  It
appears the libtool that comes with cygwin in /usr/bin/ works as
expected, but the libtool that came with the source code in
/usr/myhome/TopDir/ does not.  I will try to compare the two files to
see what is different.

Thanks again for the help.

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 7:38 PM, René Berber <> wrote:
> Fabricio Guzman wrote:
>> This problem seems simple yet I've spent the last two days researching
>> and have been unsuccessful.
>> I have a directory, "TopDir", with one subdirectory "SubDir".  The
>> "TopDir" has a program called "libtool."  If I'm in "TopDir" the
>> command "libtool --help" works as expected (I see the help text).
>> However, if I'm in "SubDir" and type the command "../libtool --help",
>> nothing shows up.  I don't see any text and the shell simply returns
>> to a prompt.  Am I not allowed to run programs residing in a different
>> directory?
> Directories have nothing to do with what you are seeing.
> ../libtool is equivalent only to ./libtool on the parent directory, what
> you did was execute the first libtool found on the PATH, to see which
> one is it try "which libtool".
> Of course if PATH contains . before any other directory then things
> would work as you expect, except that the libtool you are testing still
> doesn't output anything, is that libtool compiled to be a windows app?
> many windows console applications don't interact well with Cygwin,
> output is buffered and shows much later than expected, or doesn't show,
> windows pipes don't connect, etc. and things changed even more if you
> are using Cygwin 1.7 (works worse now).
> --
> R.Berber
> --
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