On Thu, 9 Apr 2009, Thorsten Kampe wrote:

what a mess, especially when i use auto-complete in my shell.

I can't reproduce that with bash

thors...@tkampe[~]$ ca<TAB>
cabinet.dll    cal            calwin32.dll   cat.exe
cabview.dll    cal.exe        capisp.dll     catsrv.dll
cacls.exe      calc.exe       captoinfo.exe  catsrvps.dll
cadaver.exe    caller         case           catsrvut.dll
thors...@tkampe[~]$ ca

So cat is only listed once (as cat.exe) (cal is listed twice because I
aliased it to "cal -m").

ah, bash... i remember when that was the best shell...

try this - http://www.smasher.org/zsh/zshrc-v0.147.gz http://www.smasher.org/zsh/

zsh just makes everything better. with that zshrc file (and zsh, of course) if you type "ca<TAB>" you'll see "cat" but not "cat.exe". i'm away from my employer's windows machine for the next few days, so i can't show a full/accurate listing of the tab-completion right now.

like i said... i'm a *nix guy, and there are a few cygwin optimizations in there that make cygwin/zsh feel much more like home.


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         serve under those above them. An organization is therefore
         a structured institution. If it is not structured, it is a
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