Bengt-Arne Fjellner wrote:
> Dave Korn wrote:
>> Tom Rodman wrote:
>>>>>   Potential app conflicts:
>>>>>   ZoneAlarm Personal Firewall
>>>>>   Detected: HKLM Registry Key, Named file.
>>> ZoneAlarm is not installed.  I searched the registry for
>>> ZoneAlarm, and do not recall finding much other than the Cisco
>>> VPN client.  Don't think ZoneAlarm was ever installed. I did not
>>> address this; it still shows up in cygcheck.
>>   Although your problem is now fixed, I'll just tie up this loose end
>> for you.
>>  What cygcheck is telling you in that message is that it has found
>> that you
>> have this registry key present:
>> HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vsdatant
> vsdatant is also a part of cisco vpn so that clarifies where it comes from.

  Ah.  Cisco bought in the Truevector driver from ZoneLabs for their VPN
package.  In theory that could mean it's interfering.  It might be sufficient
to disable the stateful firewall option in the cisco vpn client software (and
perhaps replace it with something more friendly if the system would then
otherwise not be firewalled at all).


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