sudhap85 wrote:
>    I am using windows 2008 machine. I have installed latest cygwin.
> Here I am facing problem with the "cat" "grep" commands. In command 
> line its working fine. but In my scripts it's giving error.

So what's the error?  Without this as a clue, we can only guess.

How are you running your scripts? (e.g. from a bash shell, a cmd
shell, or from a shortcut)

My WAG is that $PATH in the script is different from $PATH on the
command line.

> Am using PERL script for my testing. These commands are not working 
> in the following scenario,
>  1. cat file1 > file2
>  2. grep 'compileCFFilters' MHSlog >> resultfile
> I have also installed the Activeperl in my system.
> Also, I am running the script with PERL 5.8.0 version.

Please read and follow the instructions in this link:
> Problem reports:

Pay particular attention to the instruction to run "cygcheck -svr",
*attaching* the output to your reply (i.e. don't paste it in).


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