Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Well, I had a few tiny problems:
> - VERSION wasn't defined for some reason.

Yeah, oops. That was -Ddefined by the makefile rule.

> - Just for kicks, try `peflags --show-image-characteristics=tsaware /bin/bash'
>   (note: tsaware is a dll-characteristic, not an image-characteristic...)

My fault when de-binutils-ifying Dave's patch.  einfo() never returns,
but I replaced it with fprintf(stderr,...).  Fixed.

> - Stuff like `./peflags.exe --show-dll-characteristics=tsaware' prints
>   nothing at all.  I guess it should print a help message due to a missing
>   parameter instead.


> - peflags --help is missing linebreaks (line 1004 is missing a backslash

Typo.  '.' is right next to '\'.

Patch attached (and gzipped copy of fully-patched .c file).   Still need
to compile using -DVERSION='"2.4.5"' or something:

gcc -o peflags.exe -DVERSION='"2.4.5"' peflags.c

Dave: none of Corinna's comments, nor my changes in addressing them,
point to any issues with your original patch for binutils.


--- old/peflags.c	2009-03-04 01:00:38.895200000 -0500
+++ new/peflags.c	2009-03-04 22:01:26.361200000 -0500
@@ -184,10 +184,12 @@
 int verbose = 0;
 const char *file_list = 0;
 const char *stdin_file_list = "-";
+int mark_any = 0;
 main (int argc, char *argv[])
+  int files_attempted = 0;
   int i = 0;
   parse_args (argc, argv);
@@ -198,35 +200,57 @@
       int status = 0;
       char filename[MAX_PATH + 2];
       FILE *file = file_list_fopen (file_list);
       if (!file)
 	exit (2);
       while (file_list_fgets (filename, MAX_PATH + 2, file))
+          files_attempted++;
 	  if ((status = do_mark (filename)) != 0)
       file_list_fclose (file);
+      if (files_attempted == 0)
+        {
+          /* warn the user */
+          fprintf (stderr,
+             "Error: Could not find any filenames in %s\n",
+             (strcmp(file_list, stdin_file_list) == 0 ? "<stdin>" : file_list));
+          exit (2);
+        }
       if (status != 0)
 	exit (2);
-  /* Operate on files listed as command line arguments. */
+  /* Operate on files listed as command line arguments.
+   * Don't reset files_attempted because we do not require
+   * any args if -T filelist
+   */
   for (i = args_index; i < argc; i++)
       const char *filename = argv[i];
+      files_attempted++;
       if (do_mark (filename) != 0)
 	exit (2);
+  if (files_attempted == 0)
+    {
+      /* warn the user */
+      fprintf (stderr, "Error: no files to process\n");
+      short_usage (stderr);
+      exit (2);
+    }
   exit (0);
 do_mark (const char *pathname)
-  int mark_any = FALSE;
   int has_relocs;
   int is_executable;
   int is_dll;
@@ -243,12 +267,6 @@
       return 0;
-  /* determine if we are actually to write anything. Skip
-     entries in init[] that are display oriented */
-  for (i = 0; init[i].ptr; i++)
-    if (!strendswith (init[i].symbol, SHOWSTR))
-      mark_any |= init[i].inited;
   if (mark_any)
       /* Skip if not writable. */
@@ -619,6 +637,13 @@
         *(long *) init[c].ptr = val;
       else      abort ();
+  /* determine if we are actually to write anything. Skip
+     entries in init[] that are display oriented */
+  for (c = 0; init[c].ptr; c++)
+    if (!strendswith (init[c].symbol, SHOWSTR))
+      mark_any |= init[c].inited;
@@ -901,8 +926,12 @@
   if (flag)
     flags |= flag->value;
-    fprintf (stderr, "Error: unrecognised integer/flag '%s' for PE parameter '%s'\n",
-      optarg, name);
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "Error: unrecognised integer/flag '%s' for PE parameter '%s'\n",
+        optarg, name);
+      short_usage (stderr);
+      exit (1);
+    }
   if (someVar->inited)
     someVar->value |= flags;
@@ -966,15 +995,23 @@
           long value;
           value = strtoul (optarg, &end, 0);
           if (end == optarg)
-            fprintf (stderr, "Error: unrecognised integer/flag '%s' for PE parameter '%s'\n",
-              optarg, name);
+            {
+              fprintf (stderr, "Error: unrecognised integer/flag '%s' for PE parameter '%s'\n",
+                optarg, name);
+              short_usage (stderr);
+              exit (1);
+            }
           flags |= value;
           optarg = end;
       /* If there's any more, we do insist on at least one separator.  */
       if (*optarg && !is_flag_sep (*optarg))
-        fprintf (stderr, "Error: unparseable at '%s' for PE parameter '%s'\n",
-          optarg, name);
+        {
+          fprintf (stderr, "Error: unparseable at '%s' for PE parameter '%s'\n",
+            optarg, name);
+          short_usage (stderr);
+          exit (1);
+        }
   set_pe_name (name,  flags);
@@ -983,7 +1020,7 @@
 static void
 short_usage (FILE *f)
-  fputs ("Usage: peflags [OPTIONS] file...\n", f);
+  fputs ("Usage: peflags [OPTIONS] file(s)...\n", f);
   fputs ("Sets or clears various flags in PE files (that is, exes and dlls)\n", f);
   fputs ("Use --help for full help text\n", f);
@@ -991,7 +1028,7 @@
 static void
 help (FILE *f)
-  fputs ("Usage: peflags [OPTIONS] file...\n", f);
+  fputs ("Usage: peflags [OPTIONS] file(s)...\n", f);
   fputs ("Sets or clears various flags in PE files (that is, exes and dlls)\n", f);
   fputs ("  -d, --dynbase=BOOL                    Sets or clears the dynbase flag\n", f);
   fputs ("  -t, --tsaware=BOOL                    Sets or clears the tsaware flag\n", f);
@@ -999,14 +1036,17 @@
   fputs ("  --set-image-characteristics=SPECSTR   Set or clear various flags in the\n", f);
   fputs ("  --clr-image-characteristics=SPECSTR   'Characteristics' field of the PE\n", f);
   fputs ("  --show-image-characteristics=SPECSTR  file's ImageFileHeader.  See winnt.h\n", f);
-  fputs ("                                        for possible values. The --show-*h\n", f);
-  fputs ("                                        option indicates which flags to\n", f);
-  fputs ("                                        display symbolically.n", f);
+  fputs ("                                        for possible values.\n", f);
+  fputs ("  --show-image-characteristics=SPECSTR  Indicates which flags for this field\n", f);
+  fputs ("                                        to display symbolically. Default: none\n", f);
   fputs ("  --set-dll-characteristics=SPECSTR     Set or clear various flags in the\n", f);
   fputs ("  --clr-dll-characteristics=SPECSTR     'DllCharacteristics' field of the\n", f);
-  fputs ("  --show-dll-characteristics=SPECSTR    PE file's ImageOptionalHeader.  See\n", f);
+  fputs ("                                        PE file's ImageOptionalHeader.  See\n", f);
   fputs ("                                        winnt.h for possible values; this\n", f);
-  fputs ("                                        field is not only for DLLs\n", f);
+  fputs ("                                        field is not only for DLLs.\n", f);
+  fputs ("  --show-dll-characteristics=SPECSTR    Indicates which flags for this field\n", f);
+  fputs ("                                        to display symbolically.  Default:\n", f);
+  fputs ("                                           'dynbase,nxcompat,tsaware'\n", f);
   fputs ("  -T, --filelist FILE                   Indicate that FILE contains a list\n", f);
   fputs ("                                        of PE files to process\n", f);
   fputs ("  --verbose                             display diagnostic information\n", f);
@@ -1028,26 +1068,34 @@
   int i;
   fputs ("Flag help: peflags [OPTIONS] file...\n", f);
-  fputs ("The --set-* and --clr-* options accept as an argument a specification\n", f);
-  fputs ("string of the following form:\n", f);
+  fputs ("The --set-*, --clr-*, and --show-* options accept as an argument a\n", f);
+  fputs ("specification string of the following form:\n", f);
+  fputs ("\n", f);
   fputs ("   <name>|<integer>[(+|,:)<name>|<integer>[...]]\n", f);
+  fputs ("\n", f);
   fputs ("That is, flag values may be expressed using a combination of numeric\n", f);
   fputs ("values and symbolic names.  For example:\n", f);
+  fputs ("\n", f);
   fputs ("   --set-dll-characteristics=0x0400|0x0100\n", f);
   fputs ("   --set-dll-characteristics=1+128+1024,noseh,nobind\n", f);
   fputs ("   --set-dll-characteristics=noseh:nobind:tsaware\n", f);
+  fputs ("\n", f);
   fputs ("There are a number of these symbolic names, which are listed below\n", f);
+  fputs ("\n", f);
   fputs ("  --[set|clr|show]-dll-characteristics:\n", f);
   /* Loop over symbolic names */
   for (i = 0; dllchrctnames[i].name; i++)
-    fprintf (f, "      %s\n", dllchrctnames[i].name);
+    fprintf (f, "      0x%04x = %s\n",
+             dllchrctnames[i].value, dllchrctnames[i].name);
+  fputs ("\n", f);
   fputs ("  --[set|clr|show]-image-characteristics:\n", f);
   /* Loop over symbolic names */
   for (i = 0; imgfilechrctnames[i].name; i++)
-    fprintf (f, "      %s\n", imgfilechrctnames[i].name);
+    fprintf (f, "      0x%04x = %s\n",
+             imgfilechrctnames[i].value, imgfilechrctnames[i].name);
 static void

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