"Dave Korn" wrote:

 Nope, of course not.  Use "gcc-3.exe" instead.

Dave, English is not my native language (I guess you know that!)
So i want to add that i am not critisizing
but just stating what i want and what i found. :-)

Why "of course" ?. You said in a previous post that the update would go
without change in behaviour. I do not want to use gcc-3.exe.
I have many .bat/.cmd files calling gcc and i do not want to modify them.
I still want to be able to call gcc.

and now if i type "gcc", cmd finds gcc-3.exe and launch it.
 That didn't work when I tried it:

Access is denied.

Sorry, i dont know why. I assure you it works on my computer.
The are many entries in the WIndows registry to support shortcuts.
May be one of these entries is not ok on your machine.

Access is denied.


But, this is not perfect. gcc (or someone else) wait until i press
enter to continue.

GCC doesn't do that sort of thing. What actual command do you type, and what symptom do you get? What program is running if you check with "ps -a" in another window while this possible wait-to-press-enter is occurring? Does GCC
go ahead and generate a compiled output after you press enter?

the two commands:
 gcc --version
ask for an enter.

The command: gcc file.c
does generate a.exe without asking for an enter.
I dont know why but will do some more checks.

The problem arises because you insist on two things: 1) you want to use cmd.exe, 2) you want to start a program without typing the name it's actually called. Since cmd.exe doesn't understand links, your two requirements are mutually contradictory. The best solution is to downgrade, or to copy
gcc-3.exe to gcc.exe and get rid of the link stuff altogether.

Yes i want to use cmd.exe. This is ok i think.
And i want to type gcc not ggc-3. (lots of .bat files with gcc.exe refs)

cmd.exe does understand links. I just reinstalled the update.
Now, if i type (under cmd.exe):

 E:\cygwin>gcc-3: no input files
   <--- waiting for an enter here. Enter does gives me the next line.

Compiling works without asking for an enter:

 E:\cygwin>type a.c
 int main( ){return 0;}
 E:\cygwin>E:\cygwin\etc\alternatives\gcc.lnk a.c
 E:\cygwin>dir a*
 2009-03-02  09:08                22 a.c
 2008-08-30  18:03             8 904 a.exe

Adding .LNK to PATHEXT and e:\cygwin\etc\alternatives to PATH
allow me to type "gcc" from any directory. Windows will try
gcc.bat, gcc.cmd, gcc.exe, gcc.lnk in all the directories in the PATH.

Now, i am not saying this is a bug in cygwin. Again, i just want to make someone
aware of the fact this is not without change in behaviour.

After i updated my installation with setup.exe (ran it without selecting
anything and got the new gcc's automatically), i was surprise to
see that gcc.exe was not working anymore.

For the moment, i undone the update. Later i will find something else.
(Like copy gcc-3.exe gcc.exe).

And if i want to use both gcc3 and gcc4, i will probably use a couples
of bat files that will switch things around.

Thanks for your attention.

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