> Andrew, can you give us a bit more detail than just this micro snippet
> of information?
> What about providing details about the failing test done in screen's
> configure...
> What about extracting the code from configure and test it standalone...
> What about maybe using strace and/or GDB on it to find out a bit more...
> What about providing the standalone test to us eventually with
> instructions how to reproduce the problem and maybe some of the
> information you got by using strace/GDB...
> ...instead of just leaving everything except of the bare information "it
> doesn't work" to the Cygwin developers?  As much as we like to get rid
> of bugs in Cygwin, we have a life beyond Cygwin, too.

Corinna, I sent exactly this report yesterday afternoon, but it seems not to
have gone through.  Will repost ASAP.

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