On Jan 26 11:29, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 03:28:15PM +0100, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >On Jan 26 02:43, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >> I finally managed to duplicate this.
> >> [...]
> >> >It's already on my list to investigate.  When I saw "broken pipe" I
> >> >thought it could be something in the new pipe code.
> >> 
> >> But, if it is, I can't see it yet.
> >> 
> >> The strace snippet below seems to show that the ssh process which scp
> >> forks is expecting for the socket to become writable but that never 
> >> happens.
> >> 
> >> At time 10048910 you can see 16384 bytes received.  Then select() is
> >> called to inspect the socket handler for readability/writability.  But
> >> select claims that the socket handle is never ready.
> >
> >It's probably right about that.  The peek_socket function is called in a
> >loop by the thread_socket function (via select) with a non INFINITE
> >timeout.  The "Broken pipe" message already occured at the time the
> >peek_socket function is repeated ad infinitum.  This message in the
> >strace does not mean that SSH hangs for that reason, it just doesn't get
> >any data from the remote side.  SSH maintains a select loop over all
> >open descriptors and every poll from the thread_socket function
> >generates this debug message.  SSH seems to be waiting for data from the
> >local pipe to the local scp actually.
> Ok.  I was pretty sure that I hadn't seen a broken pipe message at this
> point but I could be mistaken.
> Btw, in an unrelated problem, the reason that I didn't look into this
> earlier was because my normal system for debugging this problem can no
> longer connect to sourceware.org.  I am not running a firewall or any
> BLODA but it seems to hang in the initial connect and never recover.
> 1.5.25 works fine.  It is just sourceware.org which seems to have
> this problem, which is weird.

WJFFM from XP as well as from 2K8.


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