Leonardo Vanneschi wrote:

I have tried to apply the solutions in the FAQ page (FAQ 3.4), but they
do not work. More precisely, what I tried to do as follows:

  1. Try rm -rf /tmp; mkdir /tmp ; chmod 1777 /tmp
2. Try starting the server with -nolock (e.g. if you use startxwin.bat or startxwin.sh to start the server, add -nolock to the XWin line in that script; if you use xinit or startx, run it as xinit -- -nolock or startx -- -nolock)

None of the two solutions worked.

I am attaching the output of cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
(please, see file cygcheck.out).

Trying to solve the problem by myself, I have read some conversations on this subject on various cygwin related mailing lists and I have seen that the output of the command 'strace Xwin' may be helpful too. So, I attach it too (please, see file straceXWin.out).

Well, I can tell from the strace output that this is failing in the same way as [1], but I still don't know why it happens...

   35   26331 [main] XWin 3360 link: -1 = link (/tmp/.tX0-lock, /tmp/.X0-lock)

If adding '-nolock' doesn't fix the problem, can you reply with the command you are using to start the server and the output of strace-ing that.

(followup-to set to cygwin-xf...@cygwin.com)

[1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2009-01/msg00027.html

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