I encountered a problem with v1.5.25-15 on Windows XP.  My application is
C/C++ with an embedded Perl interpreter.  The C/C++ code worked fine until
I attempted to invoke the perl script.  I got an invalid DLL error.
I'm not really asking about this -- it's the steps I took to address the
DLL problem where I must have overlooked something.

Thinking their might have been an install error or a conflict between
multiple perl interpreters, I decided to uninstall/reinstall cygwin.
ActivePerl had been installed on the machine as well.  I checked out
the web pages for uninstalling cygwin and cleaning out the registry and
carried out the steps.

When I re-installed cygwin, two things went wrong.  The first was that
bash was not installed by setup.exe.  I was able to remidy this problem
simple enough by finding the tar.gz file containing bash and restoring it
to the right location.

The second problem was that cygwin1.dll was not installed.  Nor could I
find it in the distribution package.  (I assume it is built on the fly

Ultimately, the sys admin re-loaded windows on my machine.  (Not only does
this solve a re-install problem, but it would clean out the registry and
possibly remove any corrupt dlls, so overall it made sense.)  I am about to
re-install a version of cygwin on my computer, but I am concerned about
encountering the original dll problem again -- meaning that I could have to
uninstall/reinstall cygwin again -- maybe go to a different version of Perl
or an earlier version of cygwin.

What I want to know is, what did I do wrong in the uninstall?  Or in the



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