Apologies for violating sane quoting convention, but I'm working off a 

Wrt to window titles: change your PS1 prompt to no longer reassign the title 
with the pwd (assuming you still have the default definition from /etc/profile 
(or similar)) and use the same escape sequience it uses (a standard vt100 
documented one) to explicity assign your own title. 

The same can be done within a native dos box, but the explicit assignment has 
to be through a binary that calls SetConsoleTitle() because the native terminal 
does not support the escape code (as I recall).

----- Original Message -----
From: cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com <cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com>
To: cygwin@cygwin.com <cygwin@cygwin.com>
Sent: Thu Jan 15 23:21:31 2009
Subject: Re: First Pass at mintty documentation; etc.

Andy Koppe wrote:
> Lee D. Rothstein wrote:
>>  > "\e[1;5A": history-search-backward
>>  > "\e[1;5B": history-search-forward
>> Perhaps I don't understand this 'bash' feature, but it doesn't
>> seem to work for me.
> Start typing a command, press Ctrl-Up, and it finds the previous line 
> in the history that started like that.
I'll work on that habit. Thanks.

>> I do lots of bash scripting including Windows/DOS commands, and I
>> can think of only one character cell app that ever gave me any
>> trouble from rxvt or xterm (whatever that app is -- I think a
>> Resource Kit app), I found a work-around and never needed it
>> again.
> 'net' is a troublesome command that's been mentioned, although it 
> seems to be ok for basic stuff. But I guess there might be still be a 
> few DOS fullscreen apps around. Turbo Pascal perhaps? But yeah, I'd 
> sooner implement tabs than worry about DOS apps. ;)
rudimentary 'net' works.

>>  > I didn't know xterm actually had a UI for this. Do people find
>>  > this useful?
>> I've used it on occasion when I needed to scroll back through two
>> debugging runs of a text-mode (character cell) app (or debugging
>> statements).
> So your debug print macro or whatever would be switching screens?

No. Me at the terminal switches screens, using the options menu, before 
the second run.

>> What would be better for this and other problems, however, is a
>> feature that I would love: The ability to interactively, on the
>> fly change, the Title Bar/Task Bar Title to be clear on what each
>> Window is doing.
> Can you explain the "interactive" bit a bit more. Do you mean clicking 
> on the window title and start typing away at it?
Exactly what I had in mine.

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