On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 03:22:14PM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> Just to contribute something useful: Chuck Wilson, if you are reading
>> this, am I correct in assuming that you don't enjoy maintaining the
>> Windows version of rxvt?
>Well, it's my main terminal. I tried MinTTY and I'm not sure yet whether
>it will supplant rxvt for my personal use, but it shows promise.
>> If so, should we consider deprecating rxvt in
>> favor of MinTTY when MinTTY becomes a real package?
>> If not, there is no harm in keeping two packages in the distribution.  I
>> was just trying to lighten your load if you were interested.
>I'd lean toward keeping both in the distro (mainly because I'd hate to
>see a never-ending flood of "where'd rxvt go?" queries. That'd be more
>of a pain than the relatively infrequent updates that rxvt gets).

Yeah, that would be annoying.

Does rxvt actually get updated these days?  I visited rxvt.org but that
site obviously hasn't seen any obvious love in a long time.

>I'd certainly be one of the first encouraging new (and old) cygwin users
>to try MinTTY if they dislike the standard cmd console, don't want to
>use X, and are aware of the pty issue.
>> The other thing that I've always wanted was some way for the user to
>> choose what they want to run without running cygwin.bat by hand.  I
>> think that would mean setup.exe modification though.
>You mean like another setup.exe pane (or option in an existing pane) to
>select the terminal that should be started by the "default" Cygwin link
>in the Start Menu?  That's an interesting idea...

Something like that.  I used the word "running" too many times above but
what I was thinking was that we should use run login.exe on the desktop
and it should pick your startup program of choice.

>cgf: hmm...how's that for "lightening my load"? <g> Actually, this plan
>^^^^^^ is a lot of work up front but would probably be extremely
>low-maintianence after that.

But it sounds like a nice way to go...


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