Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> Andy Koppe wrote:
>> Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>>> Andy Koppe wrote:
>>>> and the options dialog (which among other things allows you to
>>>>  configure it in an Xish way).
>>> What could be more Xish then X Resources, which rxvt pays total attention
>>> to?
>> That point wasn't about rxvt. I was just saying that you're not stuck with
>> Windows-style behaviour in MinTTY.
> My point is that rxvt pays attention to .Xdefaults which is very Xish IMHO.

What you seem to have misunderstood is that when Andy said "configure
it in an x-ish way", he didn't mean "configure it with x resources
like some x applications", he meant "configure it to behave like most
x terminal emulators wrt selection, copying, pasting, etc".


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