On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 10:52:14AM +0800, "?????????" wrote:
>It is strange that the error disappeared if replacing any cygwin1.dll
>on the snapshot page
>    http://cygwin.com/snapshots/
>For these versions, I see a more line "Huh?  No /etc/fstab file?  Using
>default root and cygdrive prefix..." was printed.
The snapshots are based on version 1.7 of the Cygwin DLL:


This version has a few pthreads fixes.

>By the way, does anybody know where can I find the pthread source for
>cygwin? is it pthread-win32? Thanks ..
>I want to look into it.

The source code for the snapshots is available at the same place where
you downloaded the snapshot.  The source code for Cygwin 1.5.25 is
available for download via setup.exe.

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