On Dec 18 20:53, Lawrence Mayer wrote:
> Is there any way to get noacl functionality when using MS-DOS destination 
> paths?
> My etc/fstab file (below) applies noacl for UNIX destination paths e.g.
> C:\cygwin\bin\mkdir.exe /c/foo
> creates directory C:\foo with NTFS default permissions inherited from 
> parent directory C:\ (the same as DOS mkdir C:\foo would do).
> But an MS-DOS destination path, e.g.
> C:\cygwin\bin\mkdir.exe C:\foo
> causes Cygwin to ignore noacl in etc/fstab and create C:\foo with 
> POSIX-like permissions (non-NTFS default and not inherited from parent 
> directory C:\).
> According to http://cygwin.com/1.7/cygwin-ug-net.html#mount-table
> "Otherwise, the handling of MS-DOS filenames bypasses the mount table"
> But if Cygwin 1.7 bypasses etc/fstab for MS-DOS filenames and no longer 
> supports the nontsec option, I'm stuck.
> When using MS-DOS destination paths in Cygwin 1.7, is there any way to get 
> noacl functionality - i.e. where Cygwin creates objects with NTFS default 
> permissions inherited from their parent directory rather than POSIX-like 
> permissions?
> If not, are there any plans to add such functionality to Cygwin 1.7?

Not yet.  I'm reluctant to add a setting just for DOS paths.  What we
could do is to handle incoming DOS paths always in dumb Windows mode
(noacl,posix=0).  Given that they are not POSIX paths anyway, there's
probably not a lot of sense in treating them POSIXy.


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