> From what we've seen so far, it seems that SFTP responds as expected.
> That is all that I want to know.
> From this point forward, we must try to close all other access ways
> that does not belong to the scenario... but those are not excuses to
> not implement the SFTP chroot.

Actually, my real case is even simpler than this. My SFTP users are all 
they are not unknown to me. It is a cooperative environment and to be honest, I 
don't believe that they would harm my system by hacking into it.

But I don't want them to poke around and see the content of other directories 
do not concern them, read my config files, see who other users are or list the 
of my C: drive, ...

Yes so far the set up looks as expected. However, I would have preferred better 
/cygdrive was not visible too even if they can't do anything with it. Ideally 
should not be anything which could give them any hint on the type of my 

I don't know who creates /cygdrive here. It is not required in this chroot'ed 
environment. My guess, it is created by sftp-server at start up (regardless 
it runs under chroot'ed environment or not). Maybe someone can confirm this 
better than

One more thing to add.

According to its RFC (4254), once a session is established, SSH allows the 
client to specify
anycommand to execute or any subsystem to be spawned on the server side.

But I think I am safe here too because;

1. I only put sftp subsystem in the sshd_config so any other subsystem request 
will fail.
2. No command can be executed since it requires /bin/bash (or another shell as 
defined by
   /etc/passwd) to be present in the jail.


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