Allan Schrum wrote:

>>In the event log the following message was found:
>>rsyncd: PID 1800: rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at
> I downloaded the source, rebuilt and I am running under the debugger. The
> line indicated above is where RSync discovers that the PID file already
> exists. While that specific problem is solved by deleting the PID file,
> the problem is that the PID file should never exist after RSync exits.
> There is some condition that leaves the PID file when RSync shuts down (as
> a service under Windows XP) normally. This problem did not exist in the
> previous version (2.6.9-2).
> I have tried hibernation, stand-by, shutdown & restart, network
> disconnections, various signals passed, etc., and nothing reliably causes
> the problem to manifest itself. But any of these methods has caused the
> problem. It seems to happen more frequently during shutdown & restart than
> any other method.
> Any ideas on how to debug? Anyone else have this problem?
> Thanks,
> -Allan

Hi Allan,

I did not use a PID file. Because that my rsync did not have a problem with
Maybee you did not use a PID file?

Because of your hibernation/stand-by tests. Did you know if it is possible
to disable hibernation/stand-by during rsync is running?

Don't panic

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