Hello, I have a few programs that I've compiled using the gcc compiler
supplied as part of the cygwin "distribution". These programs depend on
a few, fairly large DLL files. I'm now wondering if it's possible to
tell a process launched from within a cygwin bash shell to "look in this
directory as well for DLL files you might need, not just in the path".
Kinda like when you use gcc and specify -I and/or -L for it to find
headers and/or libraries in locations that aren't searched by default.
What I want to is to keep these DLLs in one directory that is not in the
path and I don't want to each program that use these DLLs to have their
own set. Is this possible? I tried setting up a symbolic link with ln -s
in the same directory as one of my programs but it still couldn't find
the DLL.
- Eric
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