Rodrigo Medina wrote:
> RXVT linked in the usual way, works with Windows and with X, but with X it
> does not
> properly render the dead accents. The RXVT page (bug 842982) states that if
> RXVT is linked
> with the X libraries (specifying --enable-xim for configure), it will
> properly handle the
> dead accents.

"This release does NOT attempt to address any other known bugs, and I
still have a few patch submissions sitting in my queue. Those will
probably be addressed during the cygwin-1.7 transition, not before."

> I think that it would be very nice if a version of RXVT so linked were
> available.

Not going to happen. The whole native-mode/X-mode split personality --
and allowing end users to install and use rxvt purely in native mode
without requiring any X stuff installed -- demands that rxvt NOT be
linked directly to the X libs.  Therefore, rxvt is limited to only that
set of options that are supported both by libX11 and by libW11.

This does not include XIM input.

However, rxvt-unicode-X /is/ linked directly to the X libs, and is
configured with:
rxvt-unicode (urxvt) v7.7 - released: 2006-02-21

Give that one a shot.


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