Evgeniy wrote:
At main office we have a data storage server
I use rsync to move files between and within Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD
machines. All are running sshd. I create a "dpchrist" account on each
machine, create ssh DSA keys for each account, and copy the public keys
to the authorized_keys files on all machines. Once I log into any one
machine, I can ssh into any other without passwords, pass phrases, etc..
Not having to enter pass phrases means that I can script rsync, etc.,
over ssh and not have to be there when the script runs. Note that some
would say this approach is a security risk. YMMV
Scripts on my machines put backup images into various folders.
Permissions are set accordingly.
I have a Windows XP Pro SP3/ Cygwin machine with a USB hard drive
connected as drive Q: that is the destination for all backup images for
all machines. A script on my XP machine uses Cygwin rsync to copy the
backup images from the other machines to the USB drive. For example,
pulling in daily backup tarballs from my FreeBSD CVS server:
/usr/bin/rsync -rt --ignore-existing --stats
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/backup/p3800/ /cygdrive/q/backup/p3800/
Looking at your Cygwin rsync incantation:
rsync -Wvrt --ignore-existing --progress -e "ssh.exe -i C:\id_dsa"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/x/ /cygdrive/z/
Always use absolute paths for tools; don't rely on $PATH. cron will
thank you.
I tend to avoid -W, especially over a network.
-v and --progress are nice while troubleshooting, but I remove them once
things are working.
-r and -t are wonderful. :-)
--ignore-existing can be a mixed blessing. Windows Media Player and
Access seem to change files merely for opening them, even if you I don't
make changes. This option saves wasted effort. But, I need to put
those files into a separate directory because of the different rsync
policy. A related issue is mtime resolution on Unix, NTFS, and FAT32
file systems.
I think you can avoid -e by using ssh keys without pass phrases in
default locations:
-e "ssh.exe -i C:\id_dsa"
Your source and destination directories make me wonder -- they look like
filesystem roots. If so, that could be your problem. The only time I
rsync filesystem roots is when I'm on XP and I want to copy a
decommissioned C: drive image to another drive manually. Everything
scripted is in non-root directories.
Another possible problem could be that you have a 4 GB+ file -- take a look.
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