On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 10:30:48AM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> On Nov 10 06:20, Fergus wrote:
>>> Line 6521 beginning "cerr >>" is causing setup.exe to abort with a parsing 
>>> error.
>>> (At least, that's what's happening to me, with the reported cause ...)
>>> Fergus
>> I got the same.  I don't know why this occurs.  As a temporary measure
>> I removed the offending line and the line before until Charles has an
>> official patch.  We just have to wait for the mirrors now.
>I think it is a quoting bug (there were embedded " inside long desc).
>When I replaced them all with ', locally, it seemed to work. What
>surprises me is that I didn't really change that part of libasprintf's
>setup.hint -- why did it break now, after being fine for two years?

I just went to a relatively current mirror to download the old version
of the setup.hint so that I could try to fix upset to give an error when
it finds a nested double quote.  But:

  File:setup.hint       1 KB    02/23/2007      12:00:00 AM

  ldesc: "libasprintf makes the C formatted output routines
  (fprintf et. al.) usable in C++ programs, with C++ Standard
  Library strings and iostreams.
  This is important for gettext/internationalized C++ programs, as the
  format string in the autosprintf example can be translated as a single
  unit, while the C++-traditional style cannot.  Further, autosprintf supports
  positional parameters in the format string, which is important when the
  translation rearranges the arguments."

there are no nested double quotes in this setup.hint.  That would seem
to imply that the nested double quote was recent.

Btw, I don't think that examples are appropriate for an ldesc.  That's
what documentation is for.


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