Brian Dessent wrote:
What you are seeing is a Windows console. It's provided by the operating system for any executable that was marked as a console mode app. It is not bash-specific and indeed bash (and cygwin1.dll) have zero control over how it behaves or operates. If you want something with more sophistication you need to use a different terminal, such as rxvt, xterm, cygputty, poderosa, or console. But the default Windows console does not require installing an X11 server or any other external software which is why it's the default.
rxvt doesn't require an X11 server either! Try it! It's 100 times better than the Windows "console window". Has better copy and paste semantics, handles sigwinch and pays attention to X resources! Who could want anything more?

Well me! I tried playing around with the -ip option to rxvt which says inherit parent pixmap. This essentially allows you to have semi transparent windows. Pretty cool. But the bad part is there doesn't seem to be a way to control the amount of transparency. Anybody know if that is possible? Also, if your background pixmap changes then rxvt doesn't notice that.
Andrew DeFaria <>
Don't you hate when your hand falls asleep and you know it will be up all night.

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