NightStrike wrote:
> The only purpose of an ascii transfer is to convert text conventions
> (line endings, ascii/ebdcii encoding, etc). With scp, this does not
> happen, as scp is a drop in replacement for cp/rcp. Instead, you have
> to combine it with a dos2unix command of some sort to do the convesion
> yourself.

Precisely.  I am talking to a legacy non-dos non-unix system, and the
conversion is nontrivial.  But the FTP server on the other side knows
exactly what to do.  Anything else is more trouble.

Andre DeFaria wrote:
>Or just stay in "Unix mode"... ;-)

I wish.

Entertaining as all this discussion is, the original point remains:
There is a bug in the FTP delivered in inetutils 1.5-4.
I regret not making it clear up front that non-FTP solutions aren't feasible.


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