Thank you very much, Allan, I'm so glad you posted this! So it is
possible to compile
something through cygwin (gcc - make) and then to use it as a lib with
visual studio!
I was worried it would not work, because of an email from active perl
support I
received (I'm pasting it below your text).

If anyone knows of a link which explains how to do this, could you
please post it?
And by the way, has anyone here ever tried using HTK on windows (with
I'm sure, because it compiles under Linux but visual studio won't have
anything to
do with it).


PS for Yaakov: Thank you for your patch, I'll post about this later
otherwise I'm
afraid this discussion might get confusing.

Allan Schrum wrote:
BTW, this affected applications outside of Cygwin. A Visual Studio 2005
solution that included several projects reported warnings about missing
DLLs that were freshly compiled. When you looked at the file mentioned
by the warning VS2005 could suddenly "find" the file and the warning
would disappear.

ActiveState Support wrote:
The first complication here is Cygwin. If you wish to use ActivePerl on
Cygwin, you need to use native Win32 modules since ActivePerl is a Windows
native program. Modules that will only run on a Unix version do exist, and
they will not run with Win32 ActivePerl even with Cygwin. (In fact Cygwin can
make the situation much, much worse. Cygwin "prefers" to use Cgywin Perl. If
you compile with the Cygwin compiler, you are going to get a Linux module
instead of a Win32 one.)

We do not have any Windows compatible versions of Audio::Data, and The
University of Winnipeg PPM search tool is unable to find any Win32 versions of
this module in any known PPM repositories:

Checking in at CPAN, I can see that Audio::Data has not been updated since
2004, and the author's account has been placed under a "custodial" status. The
module seems to build well on Solaris and FreeBSD, but OS X, Win32, and even
Linux report more failures that successes. The README claims it works on Win32
(in 1998), but it's hard to be optimistic, especially since the man page lists
a lack of support for .wav format as a known limitation.

Overall, you probably need an alternative.

Best regards,

Graham Stuart
Technical Support Engineer
ActiveState - Dynamic Tools for Dynamic Languages

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