Phil Ten wrote on 03 September 2008 08:16: > My cygwin configuration suddenly started to fail.
Stop right there. What did you install on your PC round about that time? Hardware? Software? Security-related stuff like AV or firewall or antispyware? Logitech Webcam? > I case it could help, I mention that I checked bash.exe with > Dependecy Walker, it reports a missing DLL DWMAPI.DLL (dynamically > loaded). No, delay load is actually a bit different. It makes loading the DLL optional, it's only pulled in at runtime if it's actually needed (when/if the program tries to call it). > With the audit feature I checked if bash.exe was trying to access > DWMAPI.DLL, it doesn't seem to be the case. Yeh, that's a false positive of some sort. It's a DLL that exists only on Vista, it's pulled in indirectly via the chain dwmapi.dll <- ieframe.dll <- mshtml.dll <- shdocvw.dll <-shell32.dll <- setupapi.dll <- mprapi.dll <- iphlpapi.dll <- dnsapi.dll <- netapi32.dll <- winsta.dll <- user32.dll <- wintrust.dll <- advapi32.dll <- cygwin1.dll. (boggle! Note that the wintrust <- advapi link is also delay-load, so probably none of this gets invoked normally.) cheers, DaveK -- Can't think of a witty .sigline today.... -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: