Phil wrote:
" Will shell scripts get
"  -Dsomething=c:/Documents and Settings/whatever
" as one argument, or three?

As I hinted in my (off-topic, sorry) other post, you can figure this out for 
yourself with trivial scripts in the language of interest.  But also, you can 
note the recurring theme, which is that every tool discussed so far uses spaces 
to delimit tokens, and requires quotes to make things with spaces in them be 
considered a single token.  Given that command line splitting (into argv, in a 
C program) is handled by code common to all programs (more or less), it should 
be clear which way to place your bets (if you don't want to actually do the 
trivial tests).

Use Unix shell scripts to avoid the =-sign-is-treated-like-space problem in 
your Cygwin environment.

Quote arguments with spaces to get them recognized as single arguments.

Avoid directories with spaces in their names if you don't want to do the 
quoting work.

" cgf wrote:
" "
" " This is all an argument for using Cygwin the way it was supposed to be
" " used - there are no .bat files on UNIX.  Use shell scripts instead.


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