On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 09:07:04AM -0400, Andrew Schulman wrote:
>>Rex Basham wrote:
>>>I keep reading posts about Cygwin version 1.7.x.
>>>Where is the download for the Windows Setup package if there is one?
>>>I have ran every link I can find on the Cygwin home page and only find
>>>downloads for version 1.5.x
>>>Thanks in advance for any info!
>>1.7.x is not released.  The intent is to make it available for package
>>maintainers right now.  Others who desperately want to use it can but
>>aren't encouraged.
>Should discussions of 1.7, e.g.  bug reports, go to cygwin-apps then
>for now?  Might be better, if it's only intended for packagers for now.

No, if we start making exceptions the exceptions will be just as

It's ok to send 1.7 email here and I actually don't mind if people want
to give 1.7 a try as long as they understand that it is still a work in


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